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Our Commitment to Safeguarding

At the HLA we do everything we can to ensure that children, adults, families and communities feel respected and safe. 

Anyone representing our organisation (this includes our Trustees, our staff, our volunteers, our partners, and all others) has been trained on and has committed to adhere to the robust Save the Children UK Safeguarding Policy, both in their private and professional lives, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This helps us to ensure the highest standards of behaviour towards children, adults, families, and communities at all times. 

If you think this hasn’t happened, or if you are worried about the behaviour or actions of an HLA representative, please tell us as soon as possible.

Expected behaviours of our staff and representatives are clearly stated in Save the Children UK Code of Conduct and Safeguarding Policy. We uphold a zero-tolerance approach to the exploitation and abuse of anyone, especially children and at-risk adults. 

If you are concerned about a child, at-risk adult or the behaviour of an HLA representative please report this.

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