Colleagues from the HLA Middle East, North Africa and Eastern Europe (MENAEE) Regional Centre were delighted to recently welcome facilitators and participants to Jordan for a one-week Education in Emergencies residential training programme.

Congratulations to the 24 participants who travelled from Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Turkey, Libya, Ukraine and Greece to attend the Education in Emergencies (EiE) training which took place in Amman between 11-17 June 2023.
Participants were from national and international organisations – this year was notable for having a participant from a local NGO in the training cohort.
The cohort was involved in a range of interactive sessions, group work, individual tasks as well as scenario-based training.

The training is part of the EiE Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) – a comprehensive 450-hour blended learning experience accredited by the University of Geneva. It is a sector-facing course targeting mid-senior level EiE and education practitioners working and based in emergency-affected or prone regions. The course aims to help them further develop their EiE design, implementation and leadership skills, as well as their ability to share these with others.
Through the residential, the cohort had the unique opportunity to apply their learning gained across the six course modules to an in-person EiE simulation.
There is one more module to go before this training cohort’s graduation – good luck to everyone in the final stages of the course!

The Advanced course is delivered by the EiE Professional Development Programme teams in HLA’s Regional Centres, in collaboration with EiE technical experts from Save the Children, other supporting organisations, and previous cycle graduates.
As someone who is passionate about promoting access to quality education in crisis situations, I found the course to be challenging and rewarding. I’ve learned a lot and I’m excited to take what I’ve learned and apply it in my work and daily life. Let’s continue to advocate for access to education during emergencies so that everyone, no matter where they are in the world or what crises they’re facing, can have the opportunity to learn and grow. – Participant from an INGO in Jordan
Upcoming EiE training opportunity – apply by 5 July
The MENAEE Regional Centre invites applications for the EiE Arabic Fundamentals course in Gaziantep, Syria.
This is a sector-facing Arabic course for education/education in emergencies (EiE) practitioners based in Gaziantep. The facilitated in-person training will take place between 24 – 28 July 2023. The deadline for applications is 5 July 2023.
Learn more about EiE training at the HLA
Our EiE Professional Development Programme (PDP) aims to develop staff with the right skills to deliver timely, high quality Education in Emergencies (EiE).