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Conflict sensitivity microlearning series

This three-part microlearning guide series has been produced to accompany the Introduction to Conflict Sensitivity online course available on Kaya

This Conflict Sensitivity three-part microlearning guide series has been produced to accompany to the online Introduction to Conflict Sensitivity course. This free online course is available to access on our digital platform Kaya in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Ukrainian, Polish and Turkish.

Part 1: A quick guide to conflict sensitivity

All aid interventions have an impact on the context and conversely, the context dynamics can positively or negatively affect aid interventions.

We are conflict sensitive when we understand and adapt our interventions to the relevant context, and in that way avoid or minimise negative impacts and maximise positive and sustainable impacts.

View our conflict sensitivity microlearning guide which is available to download as a PDF.

Part 2: Positive effects of conflict sensitivity

Applying conflict sensitivity principles in humanitarian and development programmes helps reducing the risk of exacerbating existing conflicts or creating new conflicts in all types of contexts, while strengthening the drivers of social cohesion and peace.

Find out more in the second guide in the conflict sensitivity microlearning series.

Part 3: Negative effects of conflict sensitivity

When our interventions or partnerships contribute to conferring power to illegitimate actors, authorities, or structures, especially in a context of pre-existing tensions, it can result in undermined social cohesion and reduced acceptance of our presence.

Find out more in the third and final guide in the conflict sensitivity microlearning series.

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