2nd May 2024

CHS Alliance session in partnership with DisasterReady | IECAH, Colombia | ALNAP | Bioforce | Groupe URD | Humentum | intrac | Red R | Sphere | Plan International and HLA at the Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks (HNPW)
2nd May | Online | 8:30am UTC
Bringing together learning and development professionals from across the sector, this session will examine the role of learning and development in enabling the humanitarians of the future.
Localisation and decolonisation, climate change, accelerated shift toward online learning, new technologies including artificial intelligence, and pressure on available resources to respond to amplitude of humanitarian crisis – each of these themes has an impact on the way we approach L&D in the sector. What does humanitarian learning look like today, and what could it look like in the future?
Hosted by the Humanitarian Training Providers Forum, this expert panel will explore recent examples of how their organisations have engaged with these themes in their own work, sharing challenges and lessons learned as we consider the way forward. In particular, this session will discuss:
- What does an inclusive and effective approach to strengthening capacities in the humanitarian sector look like? And how can we ensure an equitable share of learning resources and power between all stakeholders?
- How do we balance the advantages and limitations of different training modalities – face-to-face, online facilitated, and self-paced – to deliver the best possible training outcomes?
- How can we leverage “new technologies”, such as “artificial intelligence”, to reach more humanitarians across languages and geographical regions, without furthering the digital divide?
The session will be run in panel, with speakers representatives of organisations implementing trainings globally and regionally, bringing learnings and perspective from their experience and contexts. There will be dedicated time for questions.
This session is aimed at anyone interested in how we ensure humanitarians remain equipped with the right skills and expertise, amidst changes affecting the sector. It will be suitable for a broad audience including leaders, managers, HR and people specialists, and learning and development practitioners.
Gloria Miranda, Research & Training Expert, IECAH Colombia
Sophie Nyokabi, Independent Organisational Development & Management Specialist, RedR Associate, Kenya
Juliet Parker, Director, ALNAP UK
Zynep Sanduvac, Nirengi Association Board Member & Sphere and CHA Focal point Turkiye
Emmanuelle Lacroix, Senior Partnership Manager DisasterReady.org
Geneviève Cyvoct, CHS Alliance
Esther Grieder, Global Communities & Partnerships Lead Humanitarian Leadership Academy
If you missed the session, you can catch up below:
The HNPW is a platform for inter-network collaboration in areas of common concern (AOCC) with the aim to improve humanitarian preparedness and response. AOCCs include: Accountability to Affected Populations, Climate Crisis, Inclusion, Localisation and Coordination, Integrating Security Risk Management Across Humanitarian Action, Anticipatory Action, Organisational Culture and Power Relations, Nexus Environment, Emergency Response in a Pandemic. The weeks take place from 29th April to 5th May online and 6th to 10th May in person at the CICG in Geneva.