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Humanitarian careers webinar: leadership in emergency settings

Thank you for everyone who joined us for our Humanitarian Careers webinar on 25 July to learn more about leadership in emergency settings. The session recording and slide deck is available to view below.

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Webinar description

What does it take to be a humanitarian leader?

In this webinar, hear from seasoned humanitarian practitioners with decades of accumulated leadership experience gained in fragile and emergency contexts.

Gain insights into panellists’ roles: hear about some of the highlights, complexities and challenges of this work, and learn about the key skills required from their personal perspectives. They will also share their advice for anyone interested in pursuing a career in this field.


Thomas Hill: Country Director Nigeria – Norwegian Refugee Council

Thomas Hill is a senior non-profit and NGO professional whose career has focused on supporting people and communities who have been displaced or impacted by disaster, armed conflict, war, and crisis. He has worked in leadership roles with Norwegian Refugee Council, American Red Cross, IFRC, Mercy Corps, Save the Children, and International Rescue Committee across three continents over the past two decades. He began his career as a Peace Corps volunteer and is a big believer in the power of BBQ to unite people.

Gita Modgil: Senior Humanitarian Aid Director – Independent

With almost two decades of experience in global humanitarian efforts, Gita Modgil has led emergency responses worldwide, from the tsunami in Aceh, Indonesia to the Beirut Blast in Lebanon. Her dedication to empowering communities in crisis remains steadfast. Gita has held senior leadership roles at organisations like Norwegian Refugee Council, Global Communities, and Canadian Red Cross, shaping the landscape of humanitarian aid.

Currently, she is embarking on a new venture by developing a thought-provoking podcast series challenging the existing aid paradigm and exploring ways to enhance humanitarian efforts. While managing her impactful career, Gita also embraces the role of a parent to two loving children, inspiring change from her current base in Jordan.

Hosted by Ka Man Parkinson, HLA Communications and Marketing Advisor

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Looking to the future: The situation of social organisations supporting refugees in Poland

Thank you for attending our Shift webinar.

The HLA collaborated with Klon/Jawor Association to conduct a comprehensive study on NGOs aiding refugees in Poland.

During this webinar our panellists talked about the research findings and insights into current state, needs, and challenges of the local organisations supporting refugees in Poland. They also discussed recommendations to support these organisations.

Some key findings from the research study are that: 


Jessica Anderson, Eastern Europe MEAL Officer, HLA

Julia Bednarek, Social Researcher, Klon/Jawor

Elisa Sandri, Research & Evaluation Specialist, HLA

Beata Charycka, Social Researcher, Klon/Jawor

Pawel Mania, Deputy Director for Impact & Influence, HLA

About Klon Jawor

Klon/Jawor Association has been operating since 2000, supporting the development of the civil society sector in Poland by running the portal – the largest source of information, knowledge and opinions on social activity in Poland, conducting research on civil society, advising activists on formal obligations and promoting social engagement.

The research team of the Klon/Jawor Association combine expert knowledge about the non-governmental sector in Poland. Since 2002, they have periodically carried out the largest independent survey of associations and foundations in Poland.

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HX Learning Presents: The Digital Megaphone: Leveraging Technology for Maximum Impact

Thank you for joining our first interactive HX Learning Presents session!

The session focused on how we’ve applied the latest tech to real-world scenarios, and what is possible or probable in the space of creating digital learning with Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Hosted by Phil Street (HLA Digital Learning Specialist), participants experienced AI-driven immersive content creation, as well as discovered practical strategies for content dissemination.

If you’re interested in digital learning, digital programming, capacity strengthening or leadership, catch up on the session via the slide-deck, and recording of parts of the session.

Also check out this interactive course HX Learning Testing Course.

About the speaker

Phil Street is a qualified teacher with 15 years’ experience in the digital learning industry. In his role as Digital Learning Specialist at the HLA, Phil focuses on digital learning projects to enhance capacity strengthening in leadership and rapid response online course delivery.

Phil has a particular interest in exploring digital learning innovations in the field of virtual and augmented reality, AI and app development. In his role, he uses a wide range of applications and tools including e-learning, instructional design, video/graphic design and the Kaya platform.

Phil is based in North Yorkshire, and outside of work enjoys spending time with his young family, gardening and wild swimming.

About this series

Our HX series aims to cultivate a progressive and forward-thinking environment to address challenges in the humanitarian field, acting as a catalyst for lasting change.

The HX Learning Series aims to strengthen humanitarian leadership through innovative digital learning solutions. This session is the first in a series of webinars, masterclasses and events throughout the year. Stay tuned for more details!

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Réunion d’information et présentation du CAS-ESU pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest et Centrale francophone

Merci d’avoir participé à notre webinaire

Au cours de ce webinaire, les participants ont pu en apprendre davantage sur le programme CAS-ESU pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest et Centrale francophone et sur le processus de candidature.

Le programme CAS-ESU est une opportunité idéale d’apprentissage et de développement professionnel pour les professionnels de l’éducation ou de l’éducation d’urgence travaillant dans des contextes d’urgence, fragiles ou sujets aux catastrophes. CAS-ESU se concentre sur le secteur humanitaire accrédité par l’Université de Genève et dispensé par HLA et Save the Children.

Regardez l’enregistrement ci-dessus et téléchargez la présentation et Q&A


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Humanitarian careers: Peacebuilding

Thank you to everyone who joined us for this webinar held on 23 May 2024. Access the recording, slide deck and one-page handout.

We explore the work and skills involved in the field of peacebuilding. Our panellists share their personal stories along with their tips and advice for anyone interested in working in this field.


Toufik Naili, Operations Team Leader / Senior Curriculum Adviser on Humanitarian Negotiation, Centre for Competence in Humanitarian Negotiation

Toufik Naili joined the CCHN in September 2019 and is in charge of the CCHN’s learning curriculum. He had previously worked for the ICRC, both as a protection delegate in the Middle East and as the Learning Facilitator for the Humanitarian Leadership Program in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. He also worked in Israel and the Occupied Territories (ILOT) as a Project Coordinator for the French Cooperation. Toufik holds a Master’s Degree in Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Manchester.

Oluwasegun Ogunsakin, Project Manager, Bellwether International

Ogunsakin Oluwasegun is currently a Project Manager for Bellwether International. With over five years of experience in peacebuilding and development work, he has been contributing to various programs in Nigeria. Oluwasegun is an expert on designing and implementing interreligious and genocide resistant programming that builds collaboration across communities and promotes peacebuilding. He is a certified humanitarian negotiator and facilitator by the Centre of Competence on Humanitarian Negotiation, Geneva, Switzerland. He has over 30 academic publications, both in local and international journals.

Safiya Ibn Garba, Peace-Builder & Thought Leader, Independent

Safiya has over two decades of work experience in a number of fields but primarily in sustainable development, peacebuilding and learning. She has worked in the non-profit sector for almost two decades with expertise in: Girls/Women’s Empowerment, Project and Events management, Gender, Peacebuilding, Facilitation, Learning, Capacity Building and Development; and Mentoring.

Hosted by Esther Grieder, Global Communities and Partnerships Lead, HLA.

We are currently supporting humanitarian responses in multiple locations - Find out more

Humanitarian careers: Communications for affected communities

Thank you to everyone who joined us for this webinar held on 8 May 2024. Watch the session recording, download a copy of the webinar slide deck and webinar handout with a useful summary of the discussion!

Session content

Hear more about the power of communications in the humanitarian space!

We explore the work and skills that goes into connecting humanitarian organisations to provide support where it’s needed most.

Gain insights into our panel’s own professional journeys, and hear how they’re using communications tools and strategies to enable their organisation and its work to support and reach communities affected by crisis.


Wairimu Wanjau, Digital Communications Manager, ALNAP

Wairimu Wanjau works as the Digital Communications Manager at ALNAP. Prior to joining ALNAP, Wairimu worked in the profit and non-profit sectors. Her career began as a communications assistant for an INGO before she embarking to China for further studies. Wairimu worked for multiple China-based organizations for more than 7 years after the completion of her studies. The Kenyan native has previously worked remotely for a Geneva-based peacebuilding organization – Inclusive Peace and a community-based tech company – Konnect in Kenya.

Paweł Potakowski, Chief Communication Officer,

Paweł Potakowski is an accessibility expert who works with public entities and business: a lawyer by education, a marketer by professional practice. He changes the world for the better by working for the Polish social impact company – Migam. Paweł was responsible for making available 24/7 free online access to Ukrainian Sign Language Interpretation from any geographical location, including among others, border reception points, accommodation facilities or government centers distributing residence permits to refugees.

Liz Hendry, Programme Lead, CDAC Network

Liz Hendry is Programme Lead for the CDAC Network, the global alliance of organisations working to ensure people can access safe, trustworthy information and communicate during crises. Liz has worked in the humanitarian and development sectors for more than 17 years. Prior to joining CDAC, Liz worked for the Norwegian Refugee Council in a range of roles, including global programme lead for cash and voucher assistance, head of CAMEALEON, an NGO led research, learning and accountability network on cash transfers in Lebanon, and as a regional programme adviser for Asia Europe. Liz is interested in digital aid and accountability and has conducted academic research on the use of algorithms in targeting aid assistance. She previously worked as a senior researcher and strategy officer for the British Red Cross and on HIV/AIDS treatment policy in Geneva.

Hosted by Ka Man Parkinson, Communications and Marketing Advisor at the HLA

Ka Man Parkinson is Communications and Marketing Advisor at the HLA. In her role Ka Man creates, commissions and manages content to bring to life the HLA’s brand, learning solutions, products and services. She holds almost two decades of professional experience within the international education and non-profit sectors including at three UK universities and at the British Council. 

Did you enjoy this webinar? Please share with anyone who might find it useful! Feedback or suggestions for future content is welcomed. Contact us on our social media channels or email

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Responding to a response: Lessons in localisation from Ukraine – HLA at HNPW

Sphere and HLA at the Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks (HNPW)

In an increasingly intricate humanitarian system, one thing does not change: local organisations are the first on the scene and the last to leave.
We have seen this recently in Eastern Europe, where the sudden invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 forced local organisations into rapid response and relief efforts, which are still ongoing.

Numerous non-standard, emerging humanitarian actors, including civil society, found themselves initially unsupported.
And yet this also created an opportunity – to turn localisation from theory into practice, addressing new audiences and fostering stronger local networks.

What worked? What didn’t? What have we learnt for localisation in this and other contexts?

Join the lively discussion illustrated by practical and interactive exercises in person at CICG.

The HNPW is a platform for inter-network collaboration in areas of common concern (AOCC) with the aim to improve humanitarian preparedness and response. AOCCs include: Accountability to Affected Populations, Climate Crisis, Inclusion, Localisation and Coordination, Integrating Security Risk Management Across Humanitarian Action, Anticipatory Action, Organisational Culture and Power Relations, Nexus Environment, Emergency Response in a Pandemic. The weeks take place from 29th April to 5th May online and 6th to 10th May in person at the CICG in Geneva.

Please note that you need to register on the HNPW website to register for sessions. Registration is free.


6th May | CICG Salle 14 | 16:00 – 17:30 UTC +2


Felicity Fallon, Head of Training and Events at Sphere
Pawel Mania, Deputy Director – Impact and Influence, at the Humanitarian Leadership Academy

More speakers to be announced.

Save the dates to find HLA on STAND 29 at CICG in Geneva from 6th to 10th May, 2024

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The role of learning and development (L&D) in the future of humanitarian response – HLA at HNPW

CHS Alliance session in partnership with DisasterReady | IECAH, Colombia | ALNAP | Bioforce | Groupe URD | Humentum | intrac | Red R | Sphere | Plan International and HLA at the Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks (HNPW)

2nd May | Online | 8:30am UTC

Bringing together learning and development professionals from across the sector, this session will examine the role of learning and development in enabling the humanitarians of the future.

Localisation and decolonisation, climate change, accelerated shift toward online learning, new technologies including artificial intelligence, and pressure on available resources to respond to amplitude of humanitarian crisis – each of these themes has an impact on the way we approach L&D in the sector. What does humanitarian learning look like today, and what could it look like in the future?

Hosted by the Humanitarian Training Providers Forum, this expert panel will explore recent examples of how their organisations have engaged with these themes in their own work, sharing challenges and lessons learned as we consider the way forward. In particular, this session will discuss:

The session will be run in panel, with speakers representatives of organisations implementing trainings globally and regionally, bringing learnings and perspective from their experience and contexts. There will be dedicated time for questions.

This session is aimed at anyone interested in how we ensure humanitarians remain equipped with the right skills and expertise, amidst changes affecting the sector. It will be suitable for a broad audience including leaders, managers, HR and people specialists, and learning and development practitioners.


Gloria Miranda, Research & Training Expert, IECAH Colombia
Sophie Nyokabi, Independent Organisational Development & Management Specialist, RedR Associate, Kenya
Juliet Parker, Director, ALNAP UK
Zynep Sanduvac, Nirengi Association Board Member & Sphere and CHA Focal point Turkiye


Emmanuelle Lacroix, Senior Partnership Manager
Geneviève Cyvoct, CHS Alliance
Esther Grieder, Global Communities & Partnerships Lead Humanitarian Leadership Academy

If you missed the session, you can catch up below:


The HNPW is a platform for inter-network collaboration in areas of common concern (AOCC) with the aim to improve humanitarian preparedness and response. AOCCs include: Accountability to Affected Populations, Climate Crisis, Inclusion, Localisation and Coordination, Integrating Security Risk Management Across Humanitarian Action, Anticipatory Action, Organisational Culture and Power Relations, Nexus Environment, Emergency Response in a Pandemic. The weeks take place from 29th April to 5th May online and 6th to 10th May in person at the CICG in Geneva.

Save the dates to find us on STAND 29 at CICG in Geneva from 6th to 10th May, 2024

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Humanitarian Leaders of the Future: Lessons from HLA’s Eco-Leadership approach – HLA at HNPW

HLA at the Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks (HNPW)

As global crises continue to happen – in many cases sporadically due to the climate crisis, the Humanitarian Leadership Academy leaning on our experience of supporting over 750,000 humanitarians globally examined the changing nature of global crises, the current humanitarian landscape and why radical new thinking is important.

At HNPW, we shared lessons from our regional training strategy and our coaching and mentoring platform to explore – how we can get better youth engagement, what new funding models and localised responses are required, and why the next generation of humanitarian leaders can make a difference. 

Join our panel discussion focused on Eco-Leadership, our regional approach to training, coaching and mentoring and Youth engagement.

The HNPW is a platform for inter-network collaboration in areas of common concern (AOCC) with the aim to improve humanitarian preparedness and response. AOCCs include: Accountability to Affected Populations, Climate Crisis, Inclusion, Localisation and Coordination, Integrating Security Risk Management Across Humanitarian Action, Anticipatory Action, Organisational Culture and Power Relations, Nexus Environment, Emergency Response in a Pandemic. The weeks take place from 29th April to 5th May online and 6th to 10th May in person at the International Conference Centre Geneva (CICG) in Geneva.

The session took place 29 April | Online | 10:00am UTC


Gugu Xaba, CEO, Save the Children South Africa
Thomas Lay, Regional Humanitarian Director, Save the Children in East and Southern Africa
Charlotte Balfour-Poole, Head of Coaching, Humanitarian Leadership Academy
Deb Barry, Head of Learning & Capability (mat cover), Humanitarian Leadership Academy

Summary of the Humanitarian Leaders of the Future: Lessons from HLA’s Eco-Leadership approach session

At the beginning of the session, Thomas Lay, Regional Humanitarian Director at Save the Children International in East & South Africa, referred to the opening speeches of the HNPW, highlighting the importance of listening to local leaders and communities as well as being more proactive rather than reactive in humanitarian work. Thomas mentioned how this directly correlates with the topic of the session and the Eco-Leadership approach.

From the perspective of coaching & mentoring work, Charlotte Balfour-Poole, Head of Coaching at the HLA, emphasised how the safe space created during coaching and mentoring fosters engagement within communities providing the opportunity to listen and to be heard, creates the space to exchange of thoughts to find the solutions.

“We need to change the way we think as leaders”, said Gugu Xaba, CEO of Save the Children South Africa, highlighting the importance of being more open-minded and ready to hear from local communities, to identify the changes we want to see, and to find the ways of driving these changes together as local and international partners. Gugu also talked about integrated development planning, which helps to raise resilient young leaders who can question the current status quo, be prepared and proactive.

Deb Barry, Interim Head of Learning & Capability at the HLA, shared the perspective of youth participation in localisation, pointing out that not only are young people at the forefront of emergency responses, but they are also the ones who push for the changes in policies for positive changes in their communities. Deb mentioned that young people strive to have a real voice and to strengthen their capacity to be able to make a real impact.

Speaking about how the Eco-Leadership approach can help to navigate current power imbalances, Charlotte stressed that it fosters intergenerational connectivity, mutual trust and respect, which result in the sharing of power and joining efforts to achieve positive results. Gugu made a point of starting with leaders understanding themselves better.

Continuing the topic, Thomas offered to discuss ego as a challenge to balanced leadership. Deb proposed self-reflection as a valuable tool for more experienced leaders to be better support for the younger generation, as admitting failures and sharing experiences is crucial to learning and developing. Both Deb and Gugu made a point about ending the culture of competing and trying to “be number 1” as it only promotes disintegration and division within the sector and communities. “Let’s change the culture from ‘being the best in what I am doing’ to ‘doing the best for the people I support”, – said Deb Barry, Interim Head of Learning & Capability at the HLA.

Sharing about the practical ways to achieve these changes in approach and create a sustainable eco-system, Charlotte shared about the Core Coaching Skills programme which is about to start in Türkiye and Syria to support local leaders. Deb gave an example of using simulations in training for local leaders and how it can change the view on cooperation, sharing power, inclusion, and other aspects of organising a humanitarian response. Gugu highlighted the importance of creating and regularly reviewing stakeholder maps and establishing close relationships with them.

The session was illustrated with live drawings by Austen Shand, Digital Learning Specialist at the HLA. Download the live drawings here.

Watch the session on our YouTube channel

If you attended the session, please leave any feedback and consent to be contacted here.

The HLA thanks HNPW organisers and the Humanitarian 2 Humanitarian (H2H) Network for providing this space to share learnings with fellow humanitarians.

Save the dates to find us on STAND 29 at CICG in Geneva from 6th to 10th May

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AI & humanitarians: What are the implications for skills and people development in the sector?

Thanks to everyone who joined us for this webinar. You can watch the recording on our YouTube channel.

You can also download the webinar slide deck and handout.

This Learning & Development Inspiration series webinar looked at the implications of AI for skills, people development and learning in the humanitarian sector.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has far-reaching implications for the nature of humanitarian crises and response, from the potential threats posed by new kinds of conflict and weaponry, to the opportunities offered by technologies which help predict disasters or gather data for more effective aid.

In this webinar, we considered at the implications for skills requirements in the sector, and how organisations can prepare their people for a future shaped by AI. We heard from experts from NetHope and Nesta as to the skills required by leadership to make effective decisions about use of AI in their organisations, and about the skills required at all levels of humanitarian organisations to effectively understand and embed AI tools. We also heard from learning design experts as to how they are using AI in the development of humanitarian training courses.

Thank you for joining the discussion about the future of the sector and its people.


Daniela Weber, Deputy Director, Center for the Digital Nonprofit, NetHope
Aleks Berditchevskaia, Principal Researcher, Centre for Collective Intelligence Design, Nesta
Austen Shand, Digital Learning Specialist, Humanitarian Leadership Academy
James Maltby, Head of Digital Learning, Humanitarian Leadership Academy

Watch the recording and download resources

The webinar recording is available to watch on our YouTube channel.

AI & Humanitarians

Watch the recording

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How to Use NEAR Network’s Localisation Performance Measurement Framework (LPMF)

Thanks to everyone who joined us for this webinar. You can watch the recording on our YouTube channel.

You can also download the webinar slide deck and handout on the LPMF.

In our latest HLA Webinar in The Shift series, we take a deep dive into the NEAR Network’s Localisation Performance Measurement Framework (LPMF) which featured in the November HLA webinar MENA Region Perspectives on Localisation.

NEAR says that the purpose of this Localisation Performance Measurement System (LPMF) is to evidence progress towards achieving localisation commitments.

Over the past few years, aid actors have made new commitments to localisation, but few initiatives to support measuring progress. The LPMF is an adaptable tool to help in strengthening systems of accountability to localisation commitments.

This webinar is a practical guide to how to implement NEAR Network’s framework. It is aimed at humanitarians with an interest in putting localisation into practice, and/or REMEAL, working at any level.


Wejdan Jarrah, MENA Regional Representative from the NEAR Network (Network for Empowered Aid Response)

Asad Zia Iqbal, Regional Humanitarian Capacity Building Lead at Humanitarian Leadership Academy

Hosted by Nancy Mureti, HLA Head of Regional Centres.

Watch the recording

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Humanitarian Xchange 2024

Event details

📅 Event date: 20th February 2024
📌 Location: in person (London, UK) and online.

We’re thrilled to unveil the roadmap for an inspiring journey towards positive change. The Humanitarian Xchange is set to be an extraordinary experience, bringing together change-makers and visionaries from across the globe.

Here’s a sneak peek of what’s in store:

🌟 Keynote Speakers: Prepare to be inspired by thought leaders who are shaping the future of humanitarian efforts.

🤝 Interactive Workshops and Roundtables: Dive into hands-on sessions, gain valuable skills, and collaborate with like-minded individuals.

🌐 Global Networking: Connect with a diverse community of individuals passionate about making a difference.

📈 Actionable Insights: Take away practical knowledge to drive real change in your work and projects.

🌎 Impactful Projects: Discover opportunities to get involved in meaningful initiatives that create a better world.

🔗 Explore the full agenda and secure your spot today by registering here:

Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of an incredible community dedicated to creating a brighter future for all. Spread the word and tag your friends who should be part of this journey – See you at the Humanitarian Xchange! 🌍

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Humanitarian Careers: WASH

Thank you for joining this webinar. You can watch the recording on our YouTube channel.

We started our Humanitarian Careers webinar series with a session on careers in humanitarian Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH).

Access to WASH improves human dignity in terms of sanitation, reduces water pollution and diseases, and improves health outcomes. It also reduces the risk of harm or violence to women by reducing the travel required to collect water. It is therefore critical to effective humanitarian response, and clean water and sanitation is a target included under the Sustainable Development Goals.

But what does a WASH specialist do in practice? How do they work with communities as part of a wider programme of humanitarian response, to identify water and sanitation solutions that are effective for specific contexts?

In this webinar, we’ll be hearing from three WASH specialists that have worked in humanitarian and development contexts across the world. We’ll be finding out what an average working day looks like, the highlights and challenges involved in the work, what skills are required, and how to become a WASH specialist or gain experience in this area. There’ll be an opportunity to ask our experts from Medair and the HLA your own questions on their experiences and career paths, and hear their top tips for success.


Nadège Villard, Project Manager, Medair
Christian Ngang, Infrastructure & WASH Advisor DRC, Medair
Tom Russell, Learning Specialist, Humanitarian Leadership Academy

Watch the recording and download resources

The webinar recording is available to watch on our YouTube channel.

You can also download a copy of the webinar slide deck plus a useful handout with key takeaways from the discussion.

Humanitarian Careers: WASH

Watch the recording

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​Platform Power! Digital platforms that are transforming the humanitarian sector 

Thanks to everyone who joined us for this webinar. You can watch the recording on our YouTube channel.

To celebrate the incredible milestone of one million course completions on Kaya, this special episode of The Shift series looks at digital platforms which are providing transformational services in the humanitarian sector, and their top tips and tricks for success.

In this webinar, hear how KujaLink is connecting local organisations to donors, and how Talk to Loop is supporting aid accountability by facilitating anonymous reporting, as well as what we’ve learnt on our very own Kaya journey!

Hear our experts’ views on the secret ingredients for creating a transformational platform-based service for humanitarians, the pitfalls to avoid, as well as what innovations we can expect to see in the future!


Alex Ross​, CEO, Talk to Loop
Angelina Ndung’u​, Senior Programme Manager, KujaLink (Adeso)
Dominic Courage, Deputy Director for External Relations, Humanitarian Leadership Academy

Watch the recording and download resources

The webinar recording is available to watch on our YouTube channel.

You can also download a copy of the webinar slide deck plus a useful handout with key takeaways from the discussion.

Platform Power!

Watch the recording

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Webinar | MENA Region Perspectives on Localisation

Thank you to everyone who joined us for this HLA Community webinar.

Our expert panel of speakers from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region discussed what localisation looks like in practice, together with reflections on successes and challenges from their perspectives.

This webinar took place as part of The Shift series focusing on how we can resource civil society strengthening and locally-led response.


Watch the recording

MENA Region Perspectives on Localisation

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Webinar | Capacity Strengthening Needs in Northwest Syria

Event details

📅 Event date: 1 November 2023
🕚 Time: 12PM CEST
💻 Zoom webinar

Join us for an online presentation on capacity-strengthening needs in Northwest Syria as seen from the local perspective. Together with ACAPS we will present key findings from a recent study & discuss possible solutions.


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Webinar | Brilliantly Blended: Creating engaging long-form learning for humanitarians

Thanks to everyone who joined us for this webinar on 31 October.

Event details

A group of organisations share best practice on developing engaging online long-form learning, which includes both self-directed content and facilitated workshops.


Hosted by Steph Heath and Michelle Brillouet, Partner Experience Specialists at the Humanitarian Leadership Academy

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Webinar | How is humanitarian learning and training adapting to global changes and trends in the sector?

Thank you to everyone who joined us for this webinar held on 18 October.

How is humanitarian learning and training adapting to global changes and trends in the sector?

Our co-hosts Esther Grieder (Global Communities and Partnerships Lead, Humanitarian Leadership Academy) and Anna Lear (Training Coordinator, Groupe URD) put this big question to our expert panel of speakers:

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Webinar | The Shift: Building Capabilities for Local Resource Mobilisation | 27 September 2023

Part of a new ‘The Shift’ webinar series, this zoom webinar brings together organisations at the cutting edge of shifting the power for resource mobilisation and fundraising to local and civil society organisations. HLA will be joined by representatives of Change the Game Academy, Environmental Sustainability Promoted by Art (ESPA), Lightful and PSYDEH, for a rich debate on the importance of relocating fundraising and resource mobilisation professional expertise with local and civil society organisations, as key to shifting power dynamics in the humanitarian and development sectors.

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Women in Leadership online networking and launch event: 7 September 2023

📅 Event date: 7 September 2023
🕓 Event time: Select 08.00 or 16.00 BST

The HLA and Coach Mentoring Ltd are delighted to launch a new Women in Leadership (WIL) Network for the humanitarian and development sectors.

This network has been set up on the HLA’s digital learning platform Kaya to help facilitate a global community of discovery, development and support for women leaders.

Once you have registered for the Women in Leadership network on Kaya, you will be able to access resources and register for events including the 7 September online launch and networking event.

At this event, you will be able to meet Charlotte Balfour-Poole, Head of Coaching at the HLA, and Lis Merrick from Coach Mentoring Ltd and enjoy some time networking with other like-minded women, sharing your leadership journeys, challenges and highlights!

Read the news article about the launch.

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Webinar: Writing effective proposals for humanitarian response

Learn how to write effective proposals to secure funding for your humanitarian projects.

This webinar was hosted on 30 August 2023 by Tom Russell, HLA Learning Solutions Specialist.

A recording is available to watch in English, Ukrainian and Polish.

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Webinar: Informed consent and managing distress [when collecting data for humanitarian response]

Learn about the importance and best practice of informed consent and managing distress when collecting data for a humanitarian response.

This webinar was hosted on 10 August 2023 by Tom Russell, HLA Learning Solutions Specialist.

A recording is available to watch in English, Ukrainian and Polish.

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Webinar | Writing effective proposals for humanitarian response

Do you work in the humanitarian sector? Want to learn ways to write effective proposals to secure funding for your projects?

In this webinar recording, Tom Russell (Learning Solutions Specialist at the HLA) shares his top tips and practical knowledge of designing and supporting the delivery of humanitarian response projects in various contexts.

About Tom
Tom Russell holds 10 years of experience in designing and supporting the delivery of humanitarian response projects including the cholera outbreak response in Haiti of 2011, cyclone preparedness in Madagascar and the Ebola outbreak response in the DR Congo.

This video is a recording of a webinar held on 26 July 2023.

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